Methods During June 2000 to October 2001, the removal of glioma assisted with neuronavigation system were performed in 19 patients with glioma close in importantly functional area ( such as frontoposterior region, frontoparietal junction, frontotemporal junction, parietal lobe and basal segment). 方法2000年6月~2001年10月,在神经导航系统辅助下完成19例邻近脑重要功能区(额后、额顶交界、额颞交界、顶叶和基底节区)神经胶质瘤的切除手术。
The posterior frontal vein, precentral vein, central vein, postcentral vein and anterior parietal vein join the middle segment of superior sagittal sinus. 上矢状窦中段接受额后静脉、中央前静脉、中央静脉、中央后静脉和顶前静脉;上矢状窦后段接受顶后静脉和枕静脉。